Example with RST#

py-repl and py-terminal#

We can create a REPL which will output to a div and print stdout to a terminal with:

.. py-repl::
    :output: replOutput

    print("hallo world")
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.plot([1, 2, 3])

.. raw:: html

    <div id="replOutput"></div>

.. py-terminal::

Press shift+enter to run the code.

print("hallo world") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot([1, 2, 3]) plt.gcf()

py-script application#

Here is a simple application to replace “a” with “b”, using the py-script directive:

.. py-script::
    :file: convert_json_to_toml.py

.. raw:: html

    <form method="post">
        <label for="input_text" style="display: block">Input</label>
        <textarea id="input_text" name="input_text" style="width: 90%">a</textarea>
        <label for="output_text" style="display: block">Output</label>
        <textarea id="output_text" name="output_text" readonly="true" style="width: 90%">b</textarea>

With the following code:

from js import document

input_textarea = document.querySelector("form textarea#input_text")
output_textarea = document.querySelector("form textarea#output_text")

def do_convert(event):
    result = event.srcElement.value.replace("a", "b")
    output_textarea.value = result

input_textarea.oninput = do_convert
from js import document input_textarea = document.querySelector("form textarea#input_text") output_textarea = document.querySelector("form textarea#output_text") def do_convert(event): result = event.srcElement.value.replace("a", "b") output_textarea.value = result input_textarea.oninput = do_convert
{ "splashscreen": { "autoclose": true }, "packages": [ "matplotlib" ] }